Viete, kedy je ten najlepší čas na začatie vymáhania pohľadávky? Takisto v ňom nájdete informácie o novo zavedenej dani z finančných transakcií. Viac informácii sa dozviete v našom Občasníku.
V prípade, ak nám zvažujete zveriť pohľadávky do správy si v našom Občasníku prečítajte o tom, aké dokumenty od Vás v procese vymáhania budeme potrebovať aby sme pre Vás celý proces zjednodušili na maximálnu možnú mieru
Prečítajte si o výmaze spoločnosti ex- offo a prečítajte si, ako vstúpiť do nových obchodnoprávnych vzťahov v našom občasníku
Prečítajte si v našom novoročnom newsletteri o možnostiach mimosúdneho a súdneho vymáhania pohľadávok.
Prečítajte si o rizikách online nakupovania a rizikových eshopoch vo vianočnom čísle nášho nového občasníka
Read about how to prevent liquidity problems.
We don't forget about the little ones
Read about the most common questions regarding my Terms and Conditions in our new newsletter.
Read about on-time defaults in our new periodical.
Read about in our new periodical.
Read about preventing bad debts in our new periodical.
Read about e-shopping in our new periodical.
Juraj Imrich came to talk about Patriotgroup and to WOW radio.
In the online magazine Refresher. Read an interview with Juraj Struhar.
In the online magazine Refresher. Read an interview with Juraj Imrich.
We contributed to the reconstruction of the children's ward of the University Hospital in Trenčín.
Read about contractual penalties in our new periodical.
Read about interest on arrears.
Read about stopping old executions from 01.01.2020
Learn about the mandatory registration of the end-users of benefits in the Commercial Register.
Learn about the statute of limitations on receivables in our new newsletter.
What is an arbitration court and what does the arbitration clause contain?
What is personal bankruptcy? What is the difference between bankruptcy and repayment schedule?
WAPI is an worldwide organisation that brings together all investigators from the whole world.
Patriot Group, s.r.o. company is the first member of WAD in Slovakia.
Our company has become a member of Business Club Facility System Hub, which brings together micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Trenčín region.
In newspaper ZISK manažment 6-7/2017, they published an article about benefits of cooperation between our company and KONCOVÁ PARTNERS law firm.
We try to make a better life for those who really need it by regular donation.
We contributed to make a happier life for sick and sad children by financial donations for non-profit organization Plamienok.
In newspaper ZISK manažment in april 2017, they published an interview with our CEO Ing. Juraj Imrich, MBA about the reasons to cooperate with us.
We donated toys to kindergarten in Dubnica nad Váhom.
We supported a benefit concert of non-profit organization Centrum Slniečko, n.z., which helps abused, sexually abused, neglected children and the victims of domestic violance.
In newspaper Slovakman 04/2014 our CEO Juraj Imrich presented PATRIOT GROUP, s.r.o. company.
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Štát vybraťSlovensko
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